Friday, September 01, 2006


The phone rings. S goes to answer. It's my mother. My mother who almost always waits for me to call her 'cause I have free long distance and she doesn't. It's never a good thing if my mother calls me. Hell, I call her on my birthday these days. Usually when she calls it's either to lay a guilt trip on me for waiting too long to call her (this is becoming less common these days, as email is cheaper) or to relate bad news - usually someone dying. So. The phone rings. S goes to answer. It's my mother.

She chats politely with Momma for a moment then passes the phone on to me:

Me: [with trepidation] Momma? What's going on?
Her: I just wanted to let you know your daddy's eye surgery has been scheduled for next week.

What a relief. Daddy has glaucoma and is having surgery. He's looking forward to improving his vision. I'm happy for him, and not particularly anxious that anything will go wrong.

After a brief chat (her dime, remember - and I was too selfish to trot out my "why don't you let me call you back?" line), we hung up.

Me: Daddy's glaucoma surgery has been scheduled for next week.
S: Oh? Can he take time off work?

For just one moment, that stung like hell. Then I let it go and we laughed. Why is it I used to grab those moments of pain and hold on to them like a lifeline?

I don't know if it's the meds or the therapy or the healthy relationship... and I don't care.

note to selph's friends: I want points for utilizing the strikethrough code in the title while smashed.


Blogger Teresa said...

Progress indeed, it is. So much so that I'm apparently going all Yoda on your ass. Maybe having a smart ass for a partner helps you take life's arrows more in stride?

September 03, 2006 2:45 AM  

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