Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Of Tweaking

These days I'm taking Cymbalta for the depression. Talked it over with my shrink, told him I was tired of the libido issues with the SSRIs. He picked Cymbalta, a selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SSNRI). Verdict's not in yet on how well it works, but I'm not liking the libido hit with it either. It's been about two months on a 90mg dose. That's another thing. If one is a bit obsessive and looks up Cymbalta.com, one will see that in clinical trials, "There is no evidence that doses greater than 60mg/day confer any additional benefit". So why did he work me all the way up to 90mg?

My therapist, who frequently talks about her own ADHD diagnosis and is a bit flakey, also talked my shrink and I into an ADD diagnosis for me. Introduction: Strattera. Went as high as 125mg, told the shrink I felt like a lump of inaction, now down to 75mg. Still a bit "lumpy". Thing is, how am I supposed to know what my body is reacting to when all my meds are constantly being adjusted?


Blogger Teresa said...

A psychiatrist is generally unwilling to adjust/introduce/eliminate more than one drug at a time for precisely that reason. Psychotropics are less science than trial and error, so it really takes patience, both on your part and on your doc's part, to get on a regimen that works.

Now, about your posting this at 2 a.m. A consistent, appropriate amount of sleep is crucial to feeling 100%, or at least better than you're feeling right now. Are you sleeping? Hope you don't mind my getting all maternal on your ass. : )

July 04, 2006 7:27 PM  
Blogger psychoselph said...

Yeah I sleep. That's what the Xanax is for.

Thanks for revisiting. I meant what I said about feeling encouraged by your success.

Um. That sounded like I was putting pressure on you. I'm not. Seriously. Don't go there. I know you will want to, but don't.

July 04, 2006 9:43 PM  
Blogger Teresa said...

Pressure to read your blog, or pressure to keep my depression at bay? Neither thing feels onerous to me. : )

July 05, 2006 1:05 AM  
Blogger psychoselph said...

Good deal.

July 05, 2006 4:24 AM  

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