Friday, July 07, 2006


Why does mental health have to be so damned expensive?

The prescriptions are one thing. Seems most of my meds fall in the most expensive tier of my suckass insurance. And of course there aren't any generic equivalents available, either. But I have to see the shrink for the scripts. And I have to see my therapist - preferably weekly. All those copays surely do add up.

The insult to injury here is that my insurance through my job just changed and my docs aren't part of the provider network. Well, not at the nice cheapo HMO rates I was accustomed to paying, anyway. Oh, no. Instead, I'm now paying out the ass for the PPO so that "80% of the approved charge" will be covered. Guess that's what I get for bitching about copays.

But I couldn't really give the alternative much consideration. Yeah, I could probably have replaced my shrink - I mean, I don't feel a rapport is required in order to obtain a prescription. But my therapist? There was just no way I wanted to "start over" with someone new. Way too much ground has been covered. My therapist may be an ADD-addled flake, but she's my ADD-addled flake - and I'm keepin' her.


Blogger Teresa said...

Yeah, mental health is worth practically more than food. For years I didn't prioritize it financially, then I learned the hard way what comes of neglecting it. Good for you for recognizing that your therapeutic relationship is worth preserving: It ain't easy finding a good one!

July 07, 2006 3:23 PM  

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